MONDAY, JULY 24, 2000

Mayor Dan Bishop called the Regular July 24, 2000 City Council Meeting to order in the City Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m.

Mayor Dan Bishop
Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross
Councilman Anita Newsom
Councilman George Nodler
Councilman Shirley Smith
Assistant City Manager Laura Gay
City Counselor Nancy Thompson
City Clerk Marilyn Ahnefeld

City Manager Kirk Davis

Item 3. on the Agenda. Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Dan Bishop led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in which all joined.

Item 4. on the Agenda. Approval of Minutes.

Councilman Anita Newsom moved to approve the Regular Monday, July 10, 2000 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Item 5. on the Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA

Following the Clerk's reading, Councilman Anita Newsom moved to approve the Consent Agenda as listed. Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)


Councilman Anita Newsom moved to adopt RESOLUTION NO. R-00-60, authorizing the execution of an application for grant funds on behalf of the City of Gladstone with the State of Missouri in the amount of $34,220 for aid in the construction of a gabion basket wall along the south side of a creek upstream from N. Belleview and Vivion Road in Gladstone (Project 0020). Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Councilman Anita Newsom moved to adopt RESOLUTION NO R-00-61, authorizing the execution of an application for grant funds in the amount of $76,963 and loan funds in the amount of $76,963 on behalf of the City of Gladstone with the State of Missouri for aid in the construction of drainage and erosion control improvements and box culvert replacement at NW 58th Street and N. Broadway in Gladstone (Project 9809). Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Councilman Anita Newsom moved to adopt RESOLUTION NO R-00-62, authorizing execution of a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. for the design of the Rock Creek Detention Basin at 68th Street and the Rock Creek Channel Improvements from Brooktree to City limits for a total not to exceed $383,400 from the Capital Improvements Sales Tax Fund. (Projects 0122 and 0123). Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Councilman Anita Newsom moved for APPROVAL OF ANNUAL LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: Donovan's Grill, 6825 N. Oak; Uncle Nebo's, 7102 N. Oak; Tailgaters, 316 NE 72nd Street, Tommy's Grill, 6221 N Chestnut, and Hy-Vee, 7117 N. Prospect. Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Councilman Anita Newsom moved for APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR JUNE, 2000. Councilman George Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Item 6. on the Agenda. Communications from the Audience.

There were no communications from the audience.

Item 7. on the Agenda. Communications from the City Council.

Councilman Smith stated that she was happy to be back from vacation and missed everyone. She did return in time to attend the Westgate MML Recognition Dinner. It was a wonderful dinner and a very nice ceremony. Our City honoree, Ken Winkler has done a lot for the City and made a good representation for us and she congratulates him.

Councilman Nodler had no communications at this time.

Councilman Newsom had no communications at this time.

Mayor Pro Tem Cross commented that he appreciates the volunteers who are here tonight and the time they will be spending working to help Gladstone as members of a new task force.

Councilman Cross said he also appreciates the "North Broadway Group", and their efforts of time spent, phone calls, and attendance at Council meetings. It is good to see this kind of effort made by citizens for something they believe in.

Councilman Cross thanked the City Clerk and City Counselor for their work in researching primary elections. The information provided was exactly what he wanted to find out.

Mayor Bishop stated that he is very pleased tonight to be able to announce a new initiative that he is hopeful will spark an important dialogue in this community concerning an important topic that will result in benefit for the entire City. Two months ago, he asked members of the City Council to suggest names of individuals to serve on a neighborhood preservation task force. Each Council member submitted names, and this list has brought fourteen individuals. When he reads this list and introduces these members, he thinks everyone will agree there is a diverse group of citizens, representing all different geographical regions of the City. They are male and female, different ages, employed and retired. Each one brings a valuable and individual perspective to the important work this task force is going to undertake.

Mayor Bishop introduced Carol Rothwell who will chair this task force. She is known to many in this room, has been involved in our Gladstone community for many years, and has exceptional talent. Carol Rothwell is Vice-President at Time-Warner Cable in charge of public affairs. The Mayor said at Time Warner, she has become familiar with the governmental process and will bring great insight and a probing and sharp intellect to this endeavor. She will guide this task force well and bring forth the information it needs to make its recommendations. Carol is a calm person, a consensus builder and he is pleased that she agreed to chair this task force of diverse individuals coming together for a common purpose.

Mayor Bishop thanked Ms. Rothwell, and noted there are a number of task force members present this evening and asked them to stand when their names were read. The members are:

Anne Alexander Ralph Maddox
Wayne Beer David Ramsay
Barbara Bowers Carol Rudi
Dick Davis J.C. Sanders
Andrew Dominguez Mark Tankesley
Terry Hoppenthaler Al Westphal
Jan Kauk

Mayor Bishop thanked the members for their willingness to serve. He said he wanted to leave the work of the task force up to the task force. Carol Rothwell had asked if there was some predetermined outcome he was looking for. He said no, not at all. In leaving the goals of the task force up to the task force, the mission we will give them tonight is pretty broad. It will be up to them to determine how to fulfill the mission.

Before reading the mission statement, Mayor Bishop said he wanted to comment on the Gladstone Helping Neighbors organization that was founded by Mayor Art Hammen last year. He serves on the board this year and has found the organization to be a great asset to our community. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has been operating as an ad hoc group, with private dollars, evaluating projects as they come along and there will always be a role for that organization in Gladstone.

The purpose of this new task force is to make recommendations to the Council on what we should do as a City with public funds and public resources to address the important issue of neighborhood preservation in Gladstone. Mayor Bishop then read the Neighborhood Preservation Task Force Mission Statement:

"It is the goal of every city to ensure safe and decent housing for all citizens. Neighborhood preservation efforts assist in the attainment of this goal while serving to increase property values and provide a sense of community. Additionally, strong neighborhoods lead to increased public safety and improved public services.

To these ends, the mission of the Neighborhood Preservation Task Force is to investigate, study and make recommendations to the City Council on the health of Gladstone neighborhoods. Topics may include, but not be limited to: neighborhood associations; code compliance; landlord-tenant relations; and infrastructure.

It is anticipated that the Task Force will make a comprehensive report to the City Council in March, 2001."

The Mayor stated that originally it was thought to give six months to this task force, but as Scott Wingerson pointed out, we would probably lose some time with the holidays, so we want to give adequate time to do the work, but we do have an end date in mind and have settled on March, 2001. He then asked Carol Rothwell if she would like to make a few comments.

Carol Rothwell stated that she would speak for all the members, even though she does not know them all yet. She thanked the Council for putting their trust in them and will take it very seriously. There will be a lot of studying, and looking at other cities. There will be hearings for the citizens of Gladstone when the appropriate time comes. They are grateful for the help that they will get from the Staff. She has made comments to people from other cities and they made expressions of sympathy, so she knows it will not be easy. Ms. Rothwell stated she is looking forward to working with this group and will see the Council in March, if not before.

Ms. Rothwell stated that the first meeting will be Tuesday, August 1, at 7:00 pm. in the Council Chambers. Dick Davis will be the vice-chair of the group.

Councilman Newsom asked that a copy of the Mission Statement be provided to Council members. She had a request from a citizen today asking about the task force but she had no information.

The Mayor advised that copies of the Mission Statement will available on the table so members and Council can pick them up later.

Item 8. on the Agenda. Communications from the City Manager.

Assistant City Manager Laura Gay stated that she had a request for a copy of the Study Session Memorandum on the Primary Elections and that they are available for those who are interested.

Ms. Gay reminded everyone to join the last Theatre in the Park production coming up on August 4th through 6th beginning at 8:30 pm in Oak Grove Park. The production is "Fiddler on the Roof."

Ms. Gay stated that she was both happy and sad to announce that Management Assistant Bryan Richison will be leaving the City of Gladstone in two weeks. He has accepted a position in Douglas County, Colorado as a financial analyst and this is a great opportunity for him. We are pleased and thrilled for him in his next career step. We are saddened to Bryan go, but we wish him well in his endeavor. He will be with us through the 4th of August.

Item 9. on the Agenda PUBLIC HEARING: on a request to rezone from C-1 to CP-3, property at 6722 N Oak. Applicant/Owner: K.L. LeFever. (File #1128)

Mayor Bishop opened the Public hearing and continued the Hearing to the September 11, 2000 City Council Meeting at the Applicant's request.

Item 10. on the Agenda. PUBLIC HEARING: on a request for a Special Use Permit for property west of 5870 N Oak. Applicant: Selective Site Consultant. Owner: Eugene Steffen. (File #1129)

Mayor Bishop opened the Public Hearing and continued to the August 14, 2000 City Council Meeting.

Item 11. on the Agenda. FIRST READING BILL 00-33, approving the final plat of Northaven Village Condominium Third Plat, located at 69th and N. Olive. Applicant/Owner: Northaven Village Condominiums, L.L.C. (File #1132).

Councilman Cross moved to place Bill 00-33 on First Reading; Councilman Smith seconded.


Councilman Nodler asked if staff would like to comment on this application.

Assistant City Manager for Development Scott Wingerson stated that this was a request to subdivide the building currently under construction for condominium ownership purposes. The Planning Commission recommends approval by a vote of 9-1.

Mayor Bishop stated he had read the Planning Commission minutes and was unclear as to the reason for the one vote in opposition. Mr. Wingerson said there was no reason given.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Smith moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 00-33, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading: Councilman Cross seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Smith moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 00-33 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 3.765; Councilman Cross seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

ITEM 12. on the Agenda. FIRST READING BILL 00-34, authorizing the issuance of $4,000,000 of Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds.

Councilman Newsom moved to place Bill 00-34 on First Reading; Councilman Nodler seconded.

There was no discussion.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Newsom moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 00-34, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading: Councilman Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Newsom stated it was a shame to issue $4,000,000 worth of bonds without saying something. This has been discussed quite a bit prior to this time and she feels we are doing the right thing for our community.

Mayor Bishop commented that it is one of those items knowing there is a resounding mandate from the citizens. We got the message on the April ballot issue and saw the overwhelming majority of citizens who approved this issue. It is the right thing to do and good improvements to the waterworks and to the sanitary sewer system that will serve this community well over many years to come. It is with great pleasure he supports this bill tonight.

Councilman Newsom moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 00-34 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 3.766; Councilman Nodler seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Item 13. on the Agenda FIRST READING BILL 00-35, amending Schedule V of the Model Traffic Code to establish "No Parking" on 66th Terrace from its intersection with 67th Street to N. Forest (north side only).

Councilman Cross moved to place Bill 00-35 on First Reading; Councilman Smith seconded.


Councilman Newsom stated that residents were in favor of a no parking on the south side of the street, so why are we are putting it on the north side.

Assistant City Manager Gay stated that the request came from a resident in the neighborhood. As is our policy and procedure, Public Safety and Community Services reviewed the data. The recommendation from Public Safety was that we establish no parking on the north side of the street. A letter was delivered with this recommendation to approximately fifty homes that would be impacted by the decision. The comments you see attached to the bill are responses from those fifty who chose to respond. Of those who did respond, six agreed with the recommendation, and four suggested the south side.

Councilman Cross asked if we do know the questionnaire was delivered to all and just assume that some did not respond.

Ms. Gay said yes, they were all given the opportunity to provide comments on the recommendation.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Cross moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 00-35, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading: Councilman Smith seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0) The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Cross moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 00-35 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 3.767; Councilman Smith seconded. The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Item 14. on the Agenda APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMIT for tenant finish of 2,300 sq. ft. building space located at 7125 N. Broadway (formerly Sal's Deli) for North Oak M.U.G. Club. Applicant/Owner: North Oak M.U.G. Club. (BP# 00-0576).

Councilman Smith moved to approve the Building Permit for 7125 N. Broadway. Councilman Newsom seconded.


Councilman Newsom asked if all the conditions listed were agreeable to the applicant. Mr. Wingerson stated that they were.

Mr. Wingerson advised the North Oak M.U.G. Club is a chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Mayor Bishop stated that it will be nice to have that building occupied after being vacant for so long.

Item 15. on the Agenda APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMIT for construction of 27,696 sq. ft. addition and remodel of existing building located at 611 NE 69th Street (Linden Baptist Church). Applicant: Ken McCall Architects. Owner: Linden Baptist Church, Inc. (BP# 00-0450).

Councilman Newsom moved to approve the Building Permit for 611 NE 69th Street, Linden Baptist Church. Councilman Cross seconded.


Assistant City Manager for Development Scott Wingerson stated that the additions are to the south side of the building.

Mayor Bishop mentioned that there are several members of the Linden Baptist Church present and that they just celebrated a significant 100 year anniversary. That is quite a historic church here in Gladstone. He is glad that it is flourishing and needs the additional space.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Item 16. on the Agenda APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMIT for construction of 15,266 sq. ft. addition to existing building located at 6415 NE Antioch Road (Saint Andrews The Apostle Church). Applicant: Gastinger Walker Harden Architects. Owner: The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. (BP# 00-0470).

Councilman Cross moved to approve the Building Permit for 6415 NE Antioch Road. Councilman Smith seconded.


Mr. Scott Wingerson displayed a rendering showing the school classrooms on the north edge of the property which connects the two existing buildings.

Councilman Cross stated that this was brought up about a month ago and Council asked that they review this issue to meet certain criteria. It seems everything has been met and with the number of students, there will be no traffic problems.

Mr. Wingerson stated that a traffic study was performed, the church was very cooperative and it worked out very well and was worth doing. The study indicated there would be very little traffic impact so it reduced the public improvements needed by the church. It was very good for the City and very good for the church.

Mayor Bishop commented that it is good to see that church flourishing as well and needing additional space.

The vote: All "aye" – Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

There were no communications from the News Media or further business to come before the July 24, 2000 Gladstone City Council Meeting, and Mayor Dan Bishop adjourned the Regular Meeting.

Councilman Anita Newsom moved to adjourn to Closed Executive Session in the City Manager's Office for Real Estate pursuant to Missouri Open Meeting Act Exemption 610.021(2), as previously posted. Councilman George Nodler seconded the motion. The vote: All "aye" – Councilman Smith, Nodler, Newsom, Cross, Bishop. (5-0)

Respectfully submitted:


Marilyn F. Ahnefeld, City Clerk