PRESENT:          Mayor Carol Rudi

                             Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross

                             Councilman Les Smith

                             Councilman Wayne Beer

                             Councilman Joe Evans


City Manager Kirk Davis

City Counselor David Ramsay

Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson

City Clerk Cathy Swenson



Mayor Carol Rudi opened the Regular April 10, 2006, City Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in

the Gladstone City Council Chambers.


Item 3. on the Agenda.             PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.


Mayor Carol Rudi led the Pledge of Allegiance, in which all joined.




Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross moved to approve the Regular March 27, 2006, City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded the motion. 


The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Joe Evans, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross and Mayor Carol Rudi. 




Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross moved to approve the Regular March 27, 2006, City Council Meeting Minutes convening to a Closed Executive Session as presented.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded the motion. 


The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Joe Evans, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross and Mayor Carol Rudi. 


Item 4b. on the Agenda.          PROCLAMATION:  recognizing Terry Smemo for his dedication to Gladstone and his efforts in bringing Max, Tanna and Moffit, radio celebrities, to Gladstone on their KY99, 20 Cities in 20 Days Tour.


Mayor Carol Rudi read and presented the Proclamation to Mr. Terry Smemo. 


Mr. Smemo thanked Mayor Rudi and Council members.  Mr. Smemo stated that Mayor Pro Tem Cross is his former teacher and a great friend.  Mr. Smemo said he was delighted the City is in such great hands, and he is glad to live in Gladstone and to promote it whenever he can - Gladstone is a great City in which to live, work and play.


Mayor Rudi presented to Council members t-shirts that were available at the KY99, 20 cities in 20 days event held at Stone Canyon Pizza, on March 31, 2006. 


Item 5. on the Agenda.             FIRST READING BILL 06-11, declaring the results of the Tuesday, April 4, 2006, Gladstone General Election as certified by the Clay County Board of Election Commissioners that City Council Candidates Bill Cross and Mark Revenaugh have been elected to Three Year Terms on the Gladstone City Council.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to place Bill No. 06-11 on First Reading.  Councilman Les Smith seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Joe Evans, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross and Mayor Carol Rudi.  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 06-11, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading.  Councilman Les Smith seconded.  The vote:  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Joe Evans, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross and Mayor Carol Rudi.  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 06-11 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 3.990.  Councilman Les Smith seconded.  


Roll Call Vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Joe Evans, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross, Mayor Carol Rudi.  (5-0). 


Item 6. on the Agenda.             SPECIAL PRESENTATION to outgoing Councilman Joe Evans recognizing his service as Councilman (2003 – 2006).


Mayor Rudi read and presented a plaque of appreciation to Councilman Joe Evans, recognizing his service as Councilman from April 2003 to April 2006. 


Councilman Evans thanked the Mayor and City Council, and stated he is leaving the Council in good hands.




City Clerk Cathy Swenson gave the oath of office to Bill Cross and Mark Revenaugh for three-year terms on the Gladstone City Council. 


Councilman Revenaugh took his seat at the Council dais.


Item 8. on the Agenda.             REMARKS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL.


Councilman Les Smith stated, as an elected official, citizen and business owner, he appreciates anyone who is willing to sit in a City Councilman chair for three years.  Councilman Smith said Councilman Evans might not have been able to devote the time he wished he could, but he served the Gladstone community very well.  Councilman Smith offered his thanks to Councilman Evans, and said it was a pleasure to serve on the City Council with him.


Councilman Smith addressed Councilman Revenaugh by saying he looks forward to serving the next three years with him.  Councilman Smith said Councilman Revenaugh has been an outstanding Planning Commissioner and a good citizen of Gladstone.  Councilman Smith congratulated Councilman Cross, and said the city is in good hands with his four City Council colleagues.


Councilman Wayne Beer offered congratulations to Councilman Evans for a job well done, and stated he appreciated the time Councilman Evans has given to the city.  Councilman Beer stated he knows that work may have interfered with some of the activities in which Councilman Evans would like to have participated.  Councilman Beer thanked Councilman Evans for his efforts on behalf of the city.


Councilman Beer expressed welcome and good luck to Councilman Revenaugh as he joins the City Council, and stated he knows that Councilman Revenaugh will do well.


Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross stated it was a pleasure to receive the oath of office for the third time from City Clerk Cathy Swenson. 


Mayor Pro Tem Cross said he appreciated the three years that Councilman Evans dedicated to the City Council, and he hopes he can be convinced to become active once again in one of the city’s Boards or Commissions.  Mayor Pro Tem Cross said Councilman Evans is very conscientious when he takes up a task.


Mayor Pro Tem Cross welcomed Councilman Revenaugh to the City Council, and said Councilman Revenaugh gets to work with people who are very dedicated, willing to give of their time, and share the common goal of making Gladstone a better city in which to live - a goal shared by Councilman Revenaugh.


Mayor Carol Rudi thanked Councilman Evans for the time he devoted to the City Council.  Mayor Rudi said the City Council term can be a long three years, when one is struggling with a job, as she well knows.  Mayor Rudi stated she hopes Councilman Evans will volunteer for other city activities, as he is still needed in the city.


Mayor Rudi welcomed Councilman Revenaugh, and congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Cross on his successful election.


Item 9. on the Agenda.             ELECTION OF MAYOR AND OATH OF OFFICE


Mayor Carol Rudi presided and opened nominations for the office of Mayor of the City of Gladstone.  Councilman Les Smith nominated Bill Cross for Mayor.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded the motion.  There being no further nominations, Mayor Rudi asked for a vote.  


Roll Call Vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross, Mayor Carol Rudi.  (5-0)


The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office for the position of Mayor of the City of Gladstone, Missouri to Mayor Pro Tem Bill Cross.


Item 10. on the Agenda.           REMARKS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL


All City Council members congratulated and expressed their best wishes to Mayor Bill Cross on his election as Mayor.


Councilman Les Smith stated Mayor Cross has been through a lot this past year, and he is very happy Bill Cross is sitting in the Mayor’s seat.  Councilman Smith said he is looking forward to a wonderful year, as was the last year Bill Cross was Mayor.


Mayor Cross stated it has been his pleasure to work with each of the City Council members, who have made things extremely easy for him through their support.  Mayor Cross said he was thrilled to be here today, and able to serve as Mayor.


Mayor Cross introduced his wife, Mary Cross, and said they have been married for many years, and with many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, his wife definitely knows the amount of time and effort that is necessary for City Council members to accomplish their jobs.  Mayor Cross said he has been fortunate to work with a professional staff of city administrators and Council, and his wife is 110 percent in support of him helping to, hopefully, make our city a better place in which to live.  Mayor Cross thanked and expressed his love to his wife, Mary, for all her support, and stated she will undoubtedly be “carrying him” again for another three years!


Item 11. on the Agenda.           ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM


Mayor Bill Cross invited nominations for the office of Mayor Pro Tem.  Councilman Wayne Beer nominated Councilman Les Smith as Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Gladstone, and moved that the nominations cease and that Councilman Les Smith be elected Mayor Pro Tem by acclamation. Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded the motion.  There being no further nominations, Mayor Cross called for a vote. 


Roll Call Vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Councilman Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0)


Item 12. on the Agenda.           REMARKS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith introduced his mother, Carmelina Smith, and said his father was first elected to the City Council in 1962, when Mayor Pro Tem Smith was about 6 or 7 years old.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said his mother has sat through many City Council meetings.


Mayor Cross stated he and Mayor Pro Tem Smith served in this same capacity a few years ago and worked extremely well together, and there should be three more good years with this City Council.


Item 13. on the Agenda.           CONSENT AGENDA




Following the Clerk’s reading, Councilman Wayne Beer moved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded the motion.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0)


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to adopt RESOLUTION 06-25, authorizing the City Manager of the City of Gladstone, Missouri to implement a Revised Plan to provide economic development services within the city.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded the motion.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0)


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to adopt RESOLUTION 06-26, authorizing the City Manager to pursue the determination of eligibility with the State Historic Preservation Office for the Atkins Johnson Farm, located at 6508 North Jackson.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded the motion.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0)




Item 14. on the Agenda.           COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE


There were no communications from the audience.


Item 15. on the Agenda.           COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL


Councilman Mark Revenaugh introduced his father, Stewart Revenaugh.  Councilman Revenaugh stated his father has set the bar for community service for him, which is why he is here today.  Councilman Revenaugh said since he was young, his father has quietly contributed to many charities within the community.  Councilman Revenaugh stated he wished to publicly thank his father for his support over the years. 


Councilman Revenaugh thanked the people of Gladstone for their support.  It is an exciting time to be coming on the City Council, with all the exciting projects that the city will be undertaking, such as the natatorium and the downtown project.  Councilman Revenaugh stated that one of the wise Councilman sitting at the dais tonight told him that even with all the exciting things going on in the city, it is important that we not forget the day-to-day quality and level of service that our residents have come to expect, and that we maintain that super high level of service that our residents enjoy.  Councilman Revenaugh said that after meeting and getting to know the quality and caliber of our city staff, he is confident that will not be an issue.  Councilman Revenaugh thanked everyone for their support during the election, and he looks forward to serving on the City Council for the next three years.


Councilman Carol Rudi expressed her thanks for the honor and privilege of having served as Mayor for the past year.  Councilman Rudi said it has been an amazing experience, and as much time as she has spent learning about city government while working on Boards and Commissions and serving on the City Council, there is so much to learn in the position of Mayor.  It takes a lot of time, but it is worth it.  Councilman Rudi stated the city has a great Staff, who made it very easy to be the Mayor of this city.  Councilman Rudi expressed her thanks to city staff.


Councilman Wayne Beer stated he would like to recognize three former Councilmen and Mayors who were in the audience:  former Mayor and Councilman, Anita Newsom; former Mayor and Councilman, Dick Davis; and former Mayor and Councilman, Larry Whitton.  Councilman Beer thanked them for being at this meeting, and for their ongoing support.  Councilman Beer stated it is important to recognize the contributions of former Mayors and Councilmen.


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith stated that former Mayor Carol Rudi did an excellent job as Mayor for our city this past year.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said Councilman Rudi and he served on the Planning Commission together, and he remembers a site visit where they walked through the snow on 76th Street.  Councilman Rudi was first elected to City Council along with Councilman Beer, and then she became Mayor, where she took a firm hold of the job and jumped in with both feet.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said Councilman Rudi’s mother should be very proud of her, and offered congratulations to Councilman Rudi on a wonderful job as Mayor.


Councilman Rudi thanked Mayor Pro Tem Smith, and stated there was an outstanding visitor in the audience, and introduced her mother, Bonnie Belknap.


Mayor Bill Cross had no comments at this time.


Item 16. on the Agenda.           COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY MANAGER


City Manager Kirk Davis stated he hoped everyone had a chance to go outside to see the city’s new street sweeper.  The street sweeper will be seen around town numerous times over the course of the next few years.  City Manager Davis pointed out the slide show that has been running during the meeting, which is a recognition for the Northland Wellness Challenge that was Human Resource Administrator, Charlene Leslie’s idea.  City Manager Davis said $1,750 was raised for Synergy Services, because the City of Gladstone won the challenge with North Kansas City. 


A news clip of the Northland Wellness Challenge was then played for those in attendance at the meeting. 


City Manager Davis reported that a total of approximately 2,000 pounds was lost by both cities, which averages about 10 pounds per employee.  Mayor Bruns from North Kansas City lost approximately 33 pounds, and worked very hard during the challenge.  City Manager Davis offered a special thanks to Charlene Leslie, and thanks to all the employees who participated. 


On behalf of city staff, City Manager Davis thanked Councilman Joe Evans, and said the Councilman position is a lot of work, and the dedication and effort given by Mr. Evans is appreciated.  It was a good three years, and Mr. Evans is to be commended.  City Manager Davis said the comments from Mayor Pro Tem Smith regarding Councilman Rudi are well deserved.  Councilman Rudi did a great job as Mayor and led this city quite admirably.  City Manager Davis welcomed Councilman Revenaugh, and said he looks forward to the next three years, which will be an exciting time for Gladstone.


Item 17. on the Agenda.           FIRST READING BILL 06-12, an Ordinance amending Schedule VIII of the Model Traffic Ordinance (Gladstone Municipal Code Section 4.100.020) to establish a “Stop” Sign location within the Santerra Residential development and to amend “Stop” Sign Number 747 in Ordinance Number 3.989.


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith moved to place Bill No. 06-12 on First Reading.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 06-12, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  The vote:  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 06-12 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 3.991.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  


Roll Call Vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith, Mayor Bill Cross.  (5-0)


Item 18. on the Agenda.           OTHER BUSINESS.


Councilman Wayne Beer thanked the Gladstone Area Chamber of Commerce for co-hosting the reception honoring City Council members, which was held immediately following the City Council meeting.


Item 19. on the Agenda.           QUESTIONS FROM THE NEWS MEDIA.


There were no questions from the News Media.


Mayor Cross thanked the media members present for attending the meeting, and stated their attendance is very much appreciated.


Item 20. on the Agenda.           ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the April 10, 2006, Gladstone City Council Meeting, Mayor Bill Cross adjourned the Regular Meeting and invited everyone to attend the reception honoring the City Council, which was co-hosted by the Gladstone Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Gladstone.






Respectfully submitted:



Cathy Swenson, City Clerk

                                                                                       Approved as submitted:  ___


                                                                                Approved as corrected/amended: ___



                                                                                              Mayor Bill Cross