PRESENT:          Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith                        

Councilman Carol Rudi

Councilman Wayne Beer

Councilman Mark Revenaugh


City Manager Kirk Davis

Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson

City Counselor David Ramsay

City Clerk Cathy Swenson


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith opened the Regular February 12, 2007, City Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Gladstone City Council Chambers.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that Mayor Cross sent his apologies that he was not able to attend this meeting, as he was ill. Mayor Pro Tem Smith said that a special presentation that was to be made to Mayor Cross this evening would be postponed until the next Regular City Council Meeting, on February 26, 2007.


Item 2. on the Agenda.             ROLL CALL


Mayor Pro Tem Smith asked the City Clerk to call the Roll.  All City Councilmembers were present except for Mayor Bill Cross.


Item 3. on the Agenda.             PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith invited Carson Jones and Blake Rose of Boy Scout Troop 180, sponsored by St. Charles Borromeo Church, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Pro Tem Smith noted that Scout Leader Susie Jones had accompanied the Scouts this evening, and asked the Boy Scouts to tell a little bit about themselves. 


Boy Scout Carson Jones stated he is in the 5th grade at St. Charles School, and his favorite subject is math.


Boy Scout Blake Rose stated he is in 6th grade at St. Charles School, and his favorite subject is also math.




Councilman Wayne Beer moved to approve the Regular January 22, 2007, City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.  Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith (4-0).  


Item 5. on the Agenda       CONSENT AGENDA


Following the Clerks reading, Councilman Wayne Beer asked that Resolution R-07-10, be removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration as Item 5a. on the Regular Agenda.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-07-09, accepting Temporary Construction Easements and Right-Of-Ways from certain property owners in conjunction with the Community Center Streets Reconstruction Project (IN0615).  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-07-11, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the City of North Kansas City and other participating jurisdictions of the State of Missouri to establish and maintain a Citizen Emergency Notification System.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).




Item 5a. on the Agenda.          RESOLUTION R-07-10, authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Gladstone and the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Solid Waste Management District for the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program.


Councilman Wayne Beer said his only reason for asking that this item to be removed from the Consent Agenda is that he had a question as to the City’s cost of the last agreement versus the proposed agreement.


Public Works Director Chuck Williams stated the cost amount remained the same.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-07-10, authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Gladstone and the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Solid Waste Management District for the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program.  Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded.  


Councilman Beer stated the cost of this program equates to approximately $.79 cents per resident.


Councilman Rudi asked if the Gladstone Recycling and Solid Waste Committee discussed this proposal, and are they still in favor of it.


Public Works Director Williams said the Gladstone Recycling and Solid Waste Committee did not discuss this proposal.  It was discussed during the process, prior to the renewal of this agreement, and positive feedback was received from the Committee members.  Committee members were especially pleased with the response from the citizens.  Director Williams said the proposal will be presented at the next Recycling and Solid Waste Committee meeting in March, if the agreement is renewed this evening by Council, and at that time the Committee will be informed of the potential dates of the events.  Director Williams said the agreement was not received prior to the Gladstone Recycling and Solid Waste Committee’s last meeting in December.


The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Item 6. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE.


There was no communication from the audience.


Item 7. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL.


Councilman Mark Revenaugh had no comments at this time.


Councilman Wayne Beer had no comments at this time.


Councilman Carol Rudi had no comments at this time.


Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith had no comments at this time.




Councilman Carol Rudi moved to reappoint Beth Houlihan as the City’s representative on the Clay County University Extension Council.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded. 


Mayor Pro Tem Smith said he knows that Ms. Houlihan is interested in serving again on the Clay County University Extension Council, and she does a wonderful job in representing our community – good choice!


The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Item 7b. on the Agenda.           BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS/



Councilman Carol Rudi moved to rescind City Council’s appointment of Mark Bertholf to the Capital Improvements Program Committee, which was made on January 22, 2007.  This appointment was incorrect; the appointment should have been a Planning Commission member, and not a citizen member.  Councilman Rudi said the Planning Commission has made their appointment.  Councilman Rudi’s motion included the appointment of Pete Hall as Chairman of the Capital Improvements Program Committee; Jerry Menefee to a full member position on the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and Mark Bertholf to the Board of Zoning Adjustment, to fill Jerry Menfee’s former alternate position; Chuck Logan, as Chairman of the Code Board of Appeals; and Burt Comstock as Chairman of the Gladstone Recycling and Solid Waste Committee.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Item 8. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY MANAGER.


City Manager Kirk Davis reported that the water boil order for the City’s boot heel area was lifted.  City Manager Davis said the boil order was the result of three water line breaks within a short period of time.  One break was a big one at Old Pike Road and Englewood.  There were three City crews out working these breaks for an extended amount of time, and most of those folks worked all night on Friday in some very cold temperatures, and were impacted by the 24-inch water line.  There are huge volumes of water that goes through the 24-inch water line, and it took a long time to drain that line sufficiently enough to make the necessary repairs.  City Manager Davis said he wished to extend thanks to all the Public Works crew members who worked these breaks, and although, he cannot list all of their names, special kudos go to Public Works Director Chuck Williams, and Sergeant Richard King, who did a nice job of notifying all the existing businesses and putting the information on the City’s cable channel and the website. 


City Manager Davis said notice is difficult to get out; the City almost has to go door-to-door to do that.  City Manager Davis said Tim Hermann was a trooper as the Public Works Superintendent, and he worked very hard with all the crews, and managed the repairs.  City Manager Davis said crew members like Richard Holloway and Danny Shinneman don’t get a lot of credit when doing their jobs on a day-to-day basis, and the Public Works Department crews did a yeoman’s job from 7:00 AM on Friday until 4:00 PM on Saturday, and then had to go back around midnight on Saturday to fix another break. 


City Manager Davis said our City was not the only City with water breaks that night.  There were others, including Kansas City, who had a large break on Vivion Road.  City Manager Davis said he does not know why the breaks occurred; perhaps it was a change in temperature.  Sometimes there is a hammer effect when there is a break, which is what may have happened with the 59th and Wyandotte break.


City Manager Davis said the City is hopeful of receiving a salt delivery soon.  Every city from this side of California is looking for salt.  It is a matter of suppliers being able to get the salt to our city and all the other cities that are looking for salt.  City Manager Davis said the City will get through tonight’s snowstorm with calcium chloride, sand, salt and snow plows.


City Manager Davis reported the Boards and Commission Banquet is Thursday night, beginning with a social hour at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM.  Members of the Sports Commission will be the featured speakers, and will talk about regional issues.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated the Council’s expectation is to catch the first flake before it hits the ground, and that is no less of an expectation now.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said he does not believe most folks understand the huge difference between a snowstorm and having ice first.  The City’s crews have really done a good job.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said we test equipment and it’s running, and it snows and it quits, but our City still does probably twice as good as anyone else, and he is confident we will continue to do better.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said Public Works Director Williams has said snow removal is the one thing that will run him out of the business.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith jokingly said to Director Williams, that if he catches the snow, he does not have to plow it!


Item 9. on the Agenda.             SECOND READING BILL 07-03, amending Title II, Chapter 105 of the City Code of Ordinances regulating the care, keeping, and licensing of animals within the City of Gladstone.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith said, as a point of order, a motion is needed to either place this Bill on its second reading, or a motion to table it to the February 26, 2007, City Council meeting.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to continue the Second Reading of Bill 07-03 to the February 26, 2007, City Council meeting, due to the absence of Mayor Bill Cross.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.

Councilman Rudi commented that she feels that Mayor Cross should have the benefit of being a part of this action. 


The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Mayor Pro Tem Smith said the Second Reading of Bill 07-03 has been continued to the February 26, 2007, City Council meeting.


Item 10. on the Agenda.           CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: on a request to rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to RPCH-1 (Residential Planned Cluster Housing), and a Site Plan Revision at property located at 7312 N. Antioch Road.  Applicant/Owner:  Northaven Village, LLC.  (File #1289) 


Mayor Pro Tem Smith opened the Public Hearing and immediately continued the Public Hearing pending receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Commission.  Mayor Pro Tem Smith said that additional Public Notice will be mailed prior to the next Public Hearing of this application.


Item 11. on the Agenda.               RESOLUTION R-07-12, amending the 2007 Annual General Fund Budget, Combined Water and Sewerage System Fund Budget, and Municipal Pool Fund Budget for the City of Gladstone, Missouri, and authorizing expenditures of funds.


Councilman Mark Revenaugh moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-07-12, amending the 2007 Annual General Fund Budget, Combined Water and Sewerage System Fund Budget, and Municipal Pool Fund Budget for the City of Gladstone, Missouri, and authorizing expenditures of funds.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Item 12. on the Agenda.               RESOLUTION R-07-13, amending the Tax Increment Financing Policy of the City of Gladstone.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-07-13, amending the Tax Increment Financing Policy of the City of Gladstone.  Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded. 


Mayor Pro Tem Smith asked City Manager Davis to inform the public what is being amended.


City Manager Davis said this action will provide procedures that will provide reasonable opportunity for a person to submit alternate bids or proposals on a Tax Increment Financing project, and will meet the statutory requirements of the State of Missouri.

The vote:  All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith.  (4-0).


Item 13. on the Agenda.           OTHER BUSINESS.


There was no other business.


Item 14. on the Agenda.           QUESTIONS FROM THE NEWS MEDIA.


There were no questions from the News Media.


Item 15. on the Agenda.           ADJOURNMENT.


There being no further business to come before the February 12, 2007, Gladstone Regular City Council Meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Les Smith adjourned the regular meeting.




Respectfully submitted:



Cathy Swenson, City Clerk

                                                                                       Approved as submitted:  ___


                                                                                Approved as corrected/amended: ___



                                                                                                 Mayor Bill Cross