5:30 PM


Mayor Les Smith opened the City Council Meeting to adjourn to a Closed Executive Session on January 14, 2008, at 5:30 PM.  Councilman Carol Rudi made a motion to adjourn to Closed Executive Session pursuant to Missouri Open Meeting Act Exemption 610.021 (1) for Litigation and Confidential or Privileged Communications with Legal Counsel, and 610.021 (2) for Real Estate Acquisition Discussion, and 610.21(3) for Personnel Discussion.  Councilman Carol Suter seconded.


Roll Call Vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, and Mayor Les Smith. (4-0).


Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh was also in attendance at the Closed Executive Session.


Mayor Les Smith recessed the Closed Executive Session to go into an Open Study Session at 7:00 PM.




7:30 PM


PRESENT:          Mayor Les Smith

                             Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh

                             Councilman Wayne Beer

Councilman Carol Rudi

Councilmember Carol Suter


City Manager Kirk Davis

Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson

City Counselor David Ramsay

City Clerk Cathy Swenson



Mayor Les Smith opened the Regular January 14, 2008, City Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Gladstone City Council Chambers.


Item 2. on the Agenda.             ROLL CALL


Mayor Les Smith noted that all Council members were present.


Item 3. on the Agenda.             PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.


Mayor Les Smith introduced Troop 180 Boy Scout Leader David Bussinger, saying that Mr. Bussinger's father served five terms as Mayor for our City.  Mayor Smith invited Mr. Bussinger and the Scouts with him to introduce themselves as follows:


Boy Scouts Bret Bussinger; Kyle Deters; Andrew Maus; Scott Geisinger; Andrew Hiller; Jacob Hiler; Ray Saari; Mark Lehr; and Ryan Rutherford.  Adult Leaders David Bussinger; Bob Hiler; Corinne Hiller; Robb Jones; Barb Deters; Jane Saari; and Renae Maus.


Mr. Bussinger thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing them to visit this evening, and said what the boys would learn this evening would help them with their Civic Merit Badge. 


Mayor Smith suggested when the Boy Scouts grow-up, they may want to be City Council members.


Mayor Smith thanked Mr. Bussinger and the Scouts, and invited all to join in the Pledge of Allegiance led by an Honor Guard Unit from Troop 180.




Councilman Carol Rudi moved to approve the Regular December 10, 2007, City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0)


Item 5. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE.


Pete Hall, 5621 North Clinton Place, said he was present to ask that City Council members reconsider a zoning text Ordinance that was addressed at the December 10, 2007, City Council meeting.  Mr. Hall said he believed this would require a motion from City Council.


Councilman Carol Rudi said she was prepared to make that motion.


Mayor Smith asked that the motion be made under the Communications from the City Council agenda item.


Kirk Forslund, 3515 NE 61 Terrace, stated he was present to request that the Animal Ordinance be changed so that the Bull Terrier breed of dog is removed.  Mr. Forslund provided a packet of information to City Council members.  Mr. Forslund said he had attended City Council meetings about this topic, and was following up from the last time he was here, which was last summer.  Mr. Forslund said it was requested that proof be provided that the Bull Terrier should be removed from the dangerous dog list.  Mr. Forslund said in July, he and his wife received a letter from David Ramsay (City Counselor) regarding past conversations and information they had given about Bull Terriers, and there are a couple of items in the letter from him that need attention.  Mr. Ramsay referenced that the American Temperament Test Society information reflects that only 68 percent of Bull Terriers passed the Society's behavioral standards.  Mr. Forslund said in the information he provided, it stated that the Bull Terrier's passing percentage is 91.5 percent.  Mr. Forslund said someone may have looked at the line below that, which is the Bulldog, who has a score of 68.8 percent. 


Mr. Forslund said that Mr. Ramsay stated in another item in the letter that while several people addressed the City Council during the four or so meetings in which the new Animal Control Ordinance was discussed, none asked that the Bull Terrier breed be exempted prior to the enactment of the Ordinance.  Mr. Forslund said he did provide several packets of information to the City Council, and he did write a letter raising concerns about the Bull Terrier breed being brought into this legislation.  Mr. Forslund said he sent a letter to several area veterinarians asking for their opinion.  Mr. Forslund then read the letter he sent to each of the veterinarians, and read the letters he received from the veterinarians. (please see attached). [ click here for more information ]


Mr. Forslund said he had some clarifications one from a website about the American Pit Bull Terrier, and said there is a section called Confusion among Pit Bull Breeds.  Taking a sentence from that, it says that adding to the muddle is the fact that many people refer to any dog of these breeds, as well as American Bulldogs and sometimes Bull Terriers as Pit Bulls.  There are actually 20+ breeds that can easily be mistaken for a Pit Bull.  Mr. Forslund said the next one is from a CNN article, where it says the Pit Bull is not a breed but a type that includes American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and Pit Bull mixes, according to the Pit Bull rescue central website.  Mr. Forslund said he knew this was a lot of information, and asked if the breed can be removed.  Mr. Forslund said he would like to know the opinion of each City Council member based on the information he has provided tonight.


Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh said he does not feel it is fair to ask City Council members for an opinion, when Mr. Forslund has just provided a mountain of information to read, and he is sure he and his fellow Council members would like to have time to digest the information and give it some thoughtful consideration.  Mayor Pro Tem Revenaugh said although he voted against the last Ordinance, he is not prepared to offer an opinion on new information that he has not yet read.


Councilman Carol Rudi said she agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Revenaugh, and she also voted against the Ordinance.  We did consult with Animal Control, and they were not particularly in favor of the Ordinance either, but they agreed to include this breed.  Councilman Rudi said she would like to see this Ordinance in place for at least one year before Council reconsiders it, to see if it does what it is expected to do.  Councilman Rudi said at this time, she would like to leave it as it is, rather than making any changes presently, even with all this information.  Councilman Rudi said she has seen a lot of information already, and has looked at it extensively, so a lot of it looks familiar.


Councilman Wayne Beer stated he would concur.


Councilmember Carol Suter said she was not on the City Council at the time this Ordinance was under discussion, although she followed the discussion with some interest.  Councilmember Suter said she also would prefer to have time to look at the information, and seconds Councilman Rudi's opinion that she prefers not to disturb newly enacted Ordinances or Statutes immediately, but to give them a little time to see what happens.


Mayor Les Smith said to Mr. Forslund that he was confident Mr. Forslund knows how he feels, but in fairness to him and all the work he has done, what he would like to suggest to City Council is that they give City staff an opportunity to review this information, and come back to Council with some decision as to whether they wish to change their recommendation or not.  Mayor Smith said his question to Mr. Forslund is if Staff comes back to Council and they do not wish to change the recommendation, and what is being heard tonight is that Council will not go against that recommendation, is that good enough or would you like for the City to draft an Ordinance amendment and actually vote on it, to have some finality for your peace of mind?


Mr. Forslund said, yes, he would prefer that if that is how it all turns out.


Mayor Smith said the direction to Staff is to draft a revision to the current Ordinance that would incorporate the changes that the Forslunds are requesting, along with a Staff recommendation on whether or not we should adopt that amendment.


Councilman Rudi said she would also like some input from Animal Control, and just revisit the temperament listing and make sure that information is correct for us.


Mayor Smith said he would hope the Staff recommendation would include taking this issue back through the whole process.  Mayor Smith said he knows the Study Session agenda is full for the January 28, 2008, City Council meeting, so let's schedule this issue on the agenda for the first City Council meeting in February.  Mayor Smith stated that if Staff has questions to please contact Mr. or Mrs. Forslund.


Mr. Forslund said that Mayor Smith stated that if he could provide proof, they can be removed what exactly does that mean?


Mayor Smith said what he said was irrefutable proof, and there is no such thing, and even just skimming through some of the information that Mr. Forslund provided this evening, there are some caveats; for example when they are raised a certain way, they will generally have a sunny disposition is stated in one sentence.  Mayor Smith said there may not be irrefutable proof either way for or against Mr. Forslund's position, but Council members are giving it as much justice as they can by running it back through City staff, including the Animal Control division.


Mr. Forslund said one of the frustrating things is for Mayor Smith to just say there is no such thing as irrefutable proof, but then to make that request earlier, you are making an impossible request that you yourself believe is not possible to provide.  Mr. Forslund said everything he has given is fact.  They are not animal experts, so he contacted the veterinarians, and that is what they are saying.  Mr. Forsund said he knows that anyone can make a website and say that Bull Terriers are or are not a Pit Bull, which is why he has gone to the experts.  It is frustrating when Animal Control is contacted about it and there is conflicting information where in one letter they say that Bull Terriers shouldn't be included, and then a meeting is held with his wife, and then the letter that comes out after that is different from the conversation that was in that meeting.  In that letter it says that Bull Terriers should stay as a Pit Bull, so this kind of stuff is confusing.  Mr. Forslund said you are saying you want Animal Control input, then at previous meetings he has heard that it's your decision ultimately, and then you say you take the consideration of the Staff, and they are the ones that give you all the information where does it end?


Mayor Smith stated a good analogy would be an NFL replay.  The decision has been made, and it is going to take conclusive evidence opposite of that to overturn it.  Mayor Smith said it may not be good enough, but it is probably the best we can do, and that is to ask our professionals, because they are going to do the research and provide the information.  Mayor Smith said City Council members are taking an extraordinary step in asking City staff to revisit an issue for probably a second or third time, but he wants to do that out of fairness to Mr. Forslund and to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Mayor Smith said, speaking for himself, what they come back with is what he is going to hang his hat on, because they are being paid to do that research.  Mayor Smith said that is as honest as he can be; that is how he will land on this issue.  Mayor Smith said he hopes Mr. Forslund will respect that City Council is willing to revisit this issue, reconsider it, and allocate Staff time and resources to do the research.  That is not bad.


Mayor Pro Tem Revenaugh stated he does not know what more can be asked of the City, when right across the street we are trying to get open a $20 million natatorium in partnership with the North Kansas City School District.  There are many items on the City's plate.  This Ordinance hasn't even been on the books for a year, so we don't know whether or not it is a fair Ordinance, or how it is working.  Mayor Smith is willing to direct the Staff to do the research again, and make sure they are sound in their recommendation, he does not know how much more fair the City can be than to do that.


Mr. Forslund said he would like to point out again that when the animal experts are consulted, they are siding with him, so he is not just saying this, because he has this breed of dog.


Item 6. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL.


Councilmember Carol Suter stated yea, Gladstone, a happy place to live!  It was delightful to see our City receive good press.  It is always a little sobering when they quote it as a surprise that a landlocked first tier suburb could be such a happy place to live, but we are glad to confound people's conventional wisdom.  It would be really wonderful if the media would pursue Gladstone a little bit more and follow up with a story as to exactly why we can be the best on the Missouri side, and third when you take into account all of Johnson County and its affluence.  This is an amazing thing, and we knew it because of the study that was done, so we knew as a Council how much Gladstone residents appreciate the City services.  It is a wonderful place to live! 


Councilmember Suter said it is not perfect, so her second comment is about sidewalks not being shoveled during heavy snow.  She is seeing a lot of people walking on the streets, and where she lives off 72nd Street, people are walking from Antioch Road up to WalMart and Hy-Vee, and people have to walk in the street.  Councilmember Suter said kids walking to the school bus in her neighborhood had to walk in the streets, as hardly anyone was shoveling the sidewalks.  Councilmember Suter said this is a particularly dangerous thing to have happen, so she was wondering if there was something that can be done to remind folks about their responsibilities to clean their sidewalks. 


Councilmember Suter asked for feedback from Staff about a construction project on 72nd Street, just west of the Quik Trip.  There is a single family residence that seems to be having an absolutely enormous addition to the front of the building, which confounds her, so she is curious about permits and codes for that project.


Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson said Staff has looked at that two or three times, based on the public calling and asking about that particular structure.  It is permitted and does comply with the Detached Building Ordinance, and it is really a function of the size of that lot, which is extraordinarily large for the City.  Staff has looked at this several times and are sure that it complies.  It is a nice project.


Councilman Beer said the key is that it is not a detached structure; it is attached.


Mr. Wingerson said the original house is set back very far from 72nd Street, and not very far in the rear yard, which provides an opportunity for an addition to move forward.  It just happens to be a two-story addition, which makes the scale different.


Mayor Smith asked if there are any provisions for compatibility?  Mayor Smith said he knows when at the Staff level a building permit is approved that things might fall into the technical terms of the code; however, when considering the addition being discussed and the addition at Apple Tree Apartments of the enclosed parking, they are both incredibly displeasing aesthetically.  We struggle in this community with how we are going to create the desired affect of new construction.  It seems we need to be able to control that.  Whether it meets the code or not, it is just out of place.  It and those parking garages are going to stand for 50 years, and they are going to be out of place for 50 years.  Mayor Smith said we require people to meet a certain standard in our City, and we try desperately to get people to comply with certain standards on an ongoing basis.  These are just two recent examples of things that are in our control that got through, and it seems unfortunate.  A two-story addition on that property, regardless of the lot size, is out of place for that neighborhood.  The enclosed parking at Apple Tree Apartments is not consistent with the storage building that they previously had on site.  Mayor Smith said he would like to find a way to make something different happen, and out of place is out of place, and it does not matter if it complies technically or not, in his opinion.


Councilmember Suter said given the three or four properties immediately to the east of this are all on the market.  It seems much more likely we will receive a proposal for something other than residential development on those properties.  Having a monstrosity that is a residence right next to it will certainly encourage that kind of development, rather than maintaining the residential nature of the street.  Councilmember Suter said she would be concerned if she lived on that street.


Councilman Wayne Beer stated he did not agree.


Councilman Carol Rudi stated she agreed with Councilman Beer.


Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh had no comments at this time.


Mayor Les Smith stated the article in the Kansas City Star came out with a bit less zip than we thought it might.  There were 19 communities who participated in a citizen survey, and the Kansas City Star took those 19 cities and compiled the information and came out with some rankings.  Gladstone was the top ranked city on the Missouri side for citizen satisfaction for the community they live in, and the third overall in the entire metropolitan area.  We were the top rated city in the entire metropolitan area based on customer service.  Mayor Smith congratulated City Manager Kirk Davis and asked him to take this back to the entire work force at the City.  Being a small community, we have the opportunity to touch people quite a bit.  It starts with policy making and it goes to budgeting and programs, but we provide our basic services very well.  The customer service aspect is how our Staff interacts with the public, and it says we deal very well with the public.  Mayor Smith said you always think of what you wished you had said after you talk to the press.  It really speaks to the fact that our people care.  We can employ people to do their jobs, but we have a City staff who genuinely cares about the public, and that has been reflected in the survey results.  Mayor Smith said to City Manager Davis that he and Council members are very proud of him, and asked him to pass that along to the entire organization.


City Manager Davis thanked Mayor Smith and said he would love to do that.


Mayor Smith said he and City Manager Davis met with the metropolitan area's tallest Mayor, Mayor Funkhouser of Kansas City, who visited to address how well our two cities interact.  Mayor Smith said he and City Manager Davis gave Mr. Funkhouser a tour of the Community Center, with which he was very impressed, and they visited about Kansas City's light rail proposal.  They had a good discussion regarding the light rail and his plan to how to access the Northland with the light rail.  Mayor Smith said the meeting went very well, and he thanked City Manager Davis for participating.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to reconsider the zoning issue regarding the placement of auto parts stores in a C-1 zoning that was discussed last month.  Councilman Rudi said Mr. Pete Hall has requested that City Council reconsider this issue, and Mr. Hall says he has some new information that Council did not have.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.


Roll Call Vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith. 



Mayor Smith asked City Counselor David Ramsay to explain the action of Council and what will happen from this point forward.


City Counselor David Ramsay said that because the City Council has voted to reconsider this issue, it will be placed on the next City Council agenda, a public notice will be published that this matter will taken up again by the City Council, and Staff will provide City Council members with some updated information.


Councilman Rudi stated she did ask Mr. Hall if he would consider helping in funding the posting of this, because this is an issue extremely important to the entire community, and he would be amenable to that.  Councilman Rudi said she does not know if we have any legalities that would preclude this or not, and asked City Manager Davis to discuss this with Mr. Hall.


City Manager Davis said he would be happy to do so.


Mayor Smith asked if this would reopen the Public Hearing.


City Counselor Ramsay replied in all fairness it should reopen the Public Hearing because some additional information will be presented and that should be in the form of testimony or documentation presented to the Council in a Hearing format, and of course other interested people should be allowed to respond to that information.


Item 6a. on the Agenda.           BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS.


Mayor Smith said nearly 100 residents serve on various Boards and Commissions and in January of each year the City Council makes reappointments and appoint persons to fill vacancies on the Boards and Commissions.  Mayor Smith made a recommendation to City Council to make the following appointments:


Planning Commission

Reappoint with terms to expire December 2011:

Mary Abbott

Mike Steffans

Larry Whitton


Appoint with a term to expire December 2008, to fill the unexpired term of Loren Boor:

Barry McCullough


Capital Improvements Program Committee

Reappoint with terms to expire December 2010:

Ron Guglielmino

Lee Laramore


Appoint with a term to expire December 2009, to fill the unexpired term of Summer Austin:

Bill Arbuckle


Board of Zoning Adjustment

Reappointed Staci Hagen in July with a term to expire December 2012.


Code Board of Appeals

Reappoint with a term to expire December 2010:

Chuck Logan


Industrial Development Authority of the City of Gladstone

Reappoint with a term to expire December 2013:

Jenny Giar


Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

Reappoint with a term to expire December 2010:

Jo Ann Bryant


Appoint with terms to expire December 2010:

Jim Olshefski

Rachel Pacubas


Telecommunications Advisory Board

No appointments or reappointments will be made at this time.


Tax Increment Financing Commission

Reappoint with terms to expire December 2011:

Jenny Scott

David Stanley


Arts Commission

Reappoint with a term to expire December 2010:

Julie Crawford


Theatre In the Park Advisory Council

Reappoint with terms to expire December 2009:

Lenette Johnson

Michelle Coon


Atkins-Johnson Farm

Appoint Barbara Hardy


Councilmember Carol Suter moved for approval of the appointments to the Boards and Commissions as presented.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0). 


Mayor Smith recommended to City Council that the following appointments be made:


Environmental Management Advisory Committee:


Reappoint with a term to expire December 2010:

Eugene Suter


Appoint with a term to expire December 2010:

Terry McGovern


Appoint with a term to expire December 2009, to fill the unexpired term of James Austin:

Larry Thrasher


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to make the appointments to the Environmental Management Advisory Committee as presented.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded. 


Mayor Smith explained that Councilmember Suter would be abstaining from the vote as Eugene Suter is one of the candidates.


The vote:  Aye Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  Abstain Councilmember Carol Suter.  (4-0-1). 



Item 7. on the Agenda.             COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY MANAGER.


City Manager Kirk Davis reported that City Hall would be closed on the Martin Luther King holiday, January 21st.  City Manager Davis reminded City Council members that this Friday is the Employee Recognition Dinner at 11:30 AM in the new Community Center.  City Manager Davis reminded everyone that the brush drop-off is still open a the Public Works site and will be open until January 31st, and encouraged everyone to take their tree damage and debris out to the Public Works site, and it is free of charge.


Item 8. on the Agenda.             APPROVAL OF LIMITED ONE DAY LIQUOR BY THE DRINK LICENSE to Oakhill Day School, 7019 North Cherry, for the annual auction event on Saturday, March 1, 2008.  Hours: 4:00 PM - 12:00 Midnight.  Managing Officer:  Michelle McDaniel. 


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to approve a LIMITED ONE DAY LIQUOR BY THE DRINK LICENSE to Oakhill Day School, 7019 North Cherry, for the annual auction event on Saturday, March 1, 2008.  Hours: 4:00 PM - 12:00 Midnight.  Managing Officer:  Michelle McDaniel.  Councilmember Carol Suter seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0)


Item 9. on the Agenda.             RESOLUTION R-08-01, authorizing acceptance of work under contract with Sunset Landscape for the North Broadway and Englewood Road Beautification Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $6,574.70.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-08-01, authorizing acceptance of work under contract with Sunset Landscape for the North Broadway and Englewood Road Beautification Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $6,574.70.  Councilmember Carol Suter seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0)


Item 10. on the Agenda.           RESOLUTION R-08-02, approving an Addendum to the Cooperation and Use Agreement between the North Kansas City School District and the City of Gladstone providing for insurance coverages for the natatorium component of the Gladstone Community Center.


Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-08-02, approving an Addendum to the Cooperation and Use Agreement between the North Kansas City School District and the City of Gladstone providing for insurance coverages for the natatorium component of the Gladstone Community Center.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0)


Item 11. on the Agenda.           RESOLUTION R-08-03, authorizing the appointment of Vantagetrust Company as successor Trustee for the 457 Deferred Compensation Trust Agreement.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to adopt RESOLUTION R-08-03, authorizing the appointment of Vantagetrust Company as successor Trustee for the 457 Deferred Compensation Trust Agreement.  Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0)


Item 12. on the Agenda.           FIRST READING BILL 08-01, amending Schedule V of the Model Traffic Code (Gladstone Municipal Code Section 4.100.020), to establish a No Parking zone for southbound traffic on North Main Street from the intersection of NE 62nd Terrace south to approximately NW 61st Terrace.


Councilmember Carol Suter moved to place Bill 08-01 on First Reading.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded. 


Mayor Smith noted there were residents present in the audience and asked Assistant City Manager Wingerson if it would be prudent to give this Bill a first reading and give him the opportunity to meet with the residents before the next City Council meeting.


Mr. Wingerson replied he felt that would be appropriate.


The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilmember Carol Suter moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 08-01.  Councilman Carol Rudi seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).


Mayor Smith said the City Council will take this matter up again at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting for final enactment.


Item 13. on the Agenda.           FIRST READING BILL 08-02, amending Schedule V of the Model Traffic Code (Gladstone Municipal Code Section 4.100.020), to establish a No Parking zone for eastbound and westbound traffic on Northwest Englewood Court.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to place Bill 08-02 on First Reading.  Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 08-02, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading.  Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Wayne Beer moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 08-02 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 4.059.  Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh seconded. 


Roll Call Vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith. 



Item 14. on the Agenda.           FIRST READING BILL 08-03, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) for Red Light Camera installations on Missouri Highway One.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to place Bill 08-03 on First Reading.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 08-03, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on Second and Final Reading.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded.  The vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith.  (5-0).  The Clerk read the Bill.


Councilman Carol Rudi moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 08-03 and enact the Bill as Ordinance 4.060.  Councilman Wayne Beer seconded. 


Roll Call Vote:  All aye Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Wayne Beer, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Revenaugh and Mayor Les Smith. 



Item 15. on the Agenda.           OTHER BUSINESS.


Mayor Smith thanked everyone in the audience who had been reappointed or appointed to serve on a Board or Commission for their service.


Item 16. on the Agenda.           QUESTIONS FROM THE NEWS MEDIA.


There were no questions from the News Media.


Item 17. on the Agenda.           ADJOURNMENT.


There being no further business to come before the January 14, 2008, Gladstone Regular City Council Meeting, Mayor Les Smith adjourned the regular meeting, and said that City Council members would reconvene to Closed Executive Session.



Respectfully submitted:




Cathy Swenson, City Clerk



                                                                                       Approved as submitted:  ___


                                                                                Approved as corrected/amended: ___




                                                                                              Mayor Les Smith