6:15 PM

Mayor Les Smith opened the City Council Meeting to adjourn to a Closed Executive Session on August 9, 2010, at 6:15 PM. Councilman Carol Rudi made a motion to adjourn to Closed Executive Session pursuant to Missouri Open Meeting Act Exemption 610.021(1) for Litigation and Confidential or Privileged Communications with Legal Counsel, and 610.021(2) for Real Estate Acquisition Discussion, and 610.021(3) for Personnel Discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough seconded.

Roll Call Vote: All “aye” – Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough, and Mayor Les Smith. (4-0).

Councilmember Carol Suter was absent from the vote, but was present at the Closed Executive Session.

Mayor Les Smith recessed the Closed Executive Session to be reconvened after the Regular City Council meeting.


7:30 PM

PRESENT: Mayor Les Smith

Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough

Councilman Carol Rudi

Councilman Mark Revenaugh

Councilmember Carol Suter

City Manager Kirk Davis

Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson

City Counselor David Ramsay

City Clerk Cathy Swenson

Item 2. on the Agenda. ROLL CALL

Mayor Les Smith opened the Regular August 9, 2010, City Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Gladstone City Council Chambers, and noted that all Council members were present.

Item 3. on the Agenda. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

Mayor Les Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance, in which all joined.


Councilman Mark Revenaugh moved to approve the Regular July 26, 2010, City Council Meeting Minutes as presented. Councilmember Carol Suter seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0).

Item 5. on the Agenda. PROCLAMATION: recognizing August 14, 2010, as “SOCIAL SECURITY – GO GREEN, GO ONLINE, GOING STRONG AT 75” DAY.

Mayor Les Smith read and presented the Proclamation to Linda Clayton-Powell, District Manager for the Gladstone Social Security Office.

Ms. Clayton-Powell thanked the Mayor and City Council members, and encouraged everyone to go on-line to the Social Security website to file for Social Security benefits. Ms. Clayton-Powell also asked that everyone help their parents, friends or neighbors to go on-line to get newsletters and information; it is so easy and there is a lot of good information on the website. Ms. Clayton-Powell introduced Jennifer Byer, a supervisor at the Gladstone Social Security office, and asked her to show the audience the website address which was printed on her shirt. The website is: www.socialsecurity.gov



There were no communications from the audience.


Councilmember Carol Suter expressed appreciation to the citizens of Gladstone for their support on the Bond issues on the election last week, and Kudos to staff for doing such a great job. Councilmember Suter expressed Kudos to City Council, and said as she sees it, when a City can get an 88 percent approval rate on something, it is validation that we are doing what we say we are going to do, and we are listening and actually do hear what our citizens want, and we actively pursue strategies to get for them what they want.

Councilman Mark Revenaugh stated he wished to echo Councilmember Suter’s sentiments as far as the Bond issues go. Everyone worked hard; especially the Mayor. It was a victory for all of our residents. Councilman Revenaugh said he thought it was great that we are celebrating Social Security going “green”, and jokingly said he hopes there is plenty of it when he applies!

Councilman Carol Rudi offered congratulations to everyone on the successful Bond election, and said that everyone did a great job, and she appreciated all the hard work. Councilman Rudi said she was at Theatre in the Park for two nights this weekend, and they had some amazing talent for what she believes is a difficult musical – South Pacific. Councilman Rudi offered job well done and congratulations.

Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough congratulated the City and staff on passing the Bond issues with such success, which is incredible, and he would never have imagined an 88 percent approval rate! Mayor Pro Tem McCullough said he attended the Theatre in the Park production, and it was very well done, and he congratulated Parks and Recreation Director Sheila Lillis, her staff, and the Theatre in the Park crew. Mayor Pro Tem McCullough said he had the pleasure of being with the Mayor yesterday to see six Eagle Scouts with Troop 354 through their Court of Honor. It was quite a process, and to imagine they are getting six Eagle Scouts in such a short time frame, from a relatively small troop reflects on the resources that we have in the community. Mayor Pro Tem McCullough said he received good comments from neighbors who are getting new sidewalks. They are quite pleased that some of the old and broken sidewalks are going to have new life in them.

Mayor Les Smith offered “ditto” on all the Theatre in the Park comments, and asked Director Lillis to pass those remarks on to the appropriate folks. Mayor Smith said there were a lot of people within City Hall who provided information, and that is the trademark of what our City does, which is to inform our residents, and they are interested to learn. Mayor Smith said everyone in the room had a hand in that – City Manager Kirk Davis, Assistant City Manager Scott Wingerson, and right on down. Mayor Smith said it was neat to see the departments working together, as they did with the Public Safety Sales Tax election. Parks and Recreation Director Sheila Lillis, Finance Director Debra Daily, Public Safety Director Mike Hasty and Public Safety Captain Bob Baer put up signs on their own time. Public Information Officer Richard King, Public Works Director Tim Nebergall and Building Official Alan Napoli made presentations to groups. It was a phenomenal effort. Mayor Smith offered congratulations to all involved. Mayor Smith said that with the Public Safety Sales Tax, the Bond issues and the sustainability efforts, and so forth, our City’s table is set for a couple of years. Now the charge is to get things done as we said we would. Mayor Smith offered “good job” to everyone.


City Manager Kirk Davis stated that we are getting close to back to school week, and he encouraged everyone to be careful, and to welcome our students back to their schools safely. City Manager Davis encouraged everyone to utilize the Farmers Market as much as possible. City Manager Davis thanked everyone who worked on the Bonds campaign and election. City Manager Davis said it was gratifying to get those numbers, which he believes are record numbers for this City, and he looks forward to the work we have to do over the next couple of years to fulfill all of the promises and obligations, and he believes we are capable of doing that.

Item 9. on the Agenda. APPROVAL OF AN ANNUAL LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL: Northland Elks, 7010 North Cherry, Class AF&B Liquor by the Drink License.

Councilman Carol Rudi moved to approve an ANNUAL LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL for the Northland Elks, 7010 North Cherry, for a Class AF&B Liquor by the Drink License. Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0).

Item 10. on the Agenda. CONSIDERATION OF A BUILDING PERMIT: for upgrading six existing antennas on the monopole tower at the Gladstone Water Treatment Plant, 913 N 44 Terrace. Applicant: Verizon Representative/Communication Services and Consulting. Owner: City of Gladstone.

Councilman Carol Rudi moved to approve a BUILDING PERMIT: for upgrading six existing antennas on the monopole tower at the Gladstone Water Treatment Plant, 913 N 44 Terrace. Applicant: Verizon Representative/Communication Services and Consulting. Owner: City of Gladstone. Councilmember Carol Suter seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0).

Item 11. on the Agenda. MOTION TO ISSUE SUBPOENAS TO: AT&T Mobility, Sprint and Verizon for the production of information requested by the City of Gladstone Finance Department in support of the City’s audit of these companies; and to authorize the Mayor to execute the subpoenas.

Councilmember Carol Suter moved to approve the issuance of Subpoenas To AT&T Mobility, Sprint and Verizon for the production of information requested by the City of Gladstone Finance Department in support of the City’s audit of these companies; and to authorize the Mayor to execute the subpoenas. Councilman Carol Rudi seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0).

Item 12. on the Agenda. FIRST READING BILL 10-29, declaring the results of the Special Election held in the City of Gladstone, Missouri, on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, on the question of authorizing the city to issue $2,000,000 of its General Obligation Bonds.

Councilman Carol Rudi moved to place Bill 10-29 on its First Reading. Councilmember Carol Suter seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Carol Rudi moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 10-29, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on its Second and Final Reading. Councilmember Carol Suter seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Carol Rudi moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 10-29 and to enact the Bill as Ordinance 4.158. Councilmember Carol Suter seconded.

Roll call vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0)

Item 13. on the Agenda. FIRST READING BILL 10-30, declaring the results of the Special Election held in the City of Gladstone, Missouri, on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, on the question of authorizing the city to issue $5,000,000 of its Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds.

Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough moved to place Bill 10-30 on its First Reading. Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 10-30, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on its Second and Final Reading. Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 10-30 and to enact the Bill as Ordinance 4.159. Councilman Mark Revenaugh seconded.

Roll call vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0)

Item 14. on the Agenda. FIRST READING BILL 10-31, amending Title I, Article 2, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Gladstone by adding a new section on notice requirements for public meetings.

Councilman Mark Revenaugh moved to place Bill 10-31 on its First Reading. Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Mark Revenaugh moved to accept the First Reading of Bill 10-31, Waive the Rule and place the Bill on its Second and Final Reading. Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough seconded. The vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0). The Clerk read the Bill.

Councilman Mark Revenaugh moved to accept the Second and Final Reading of Bill 10-31 and to enact the Bill as Ordinance 4.160. Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough seconded.

Roll call vote: All “aye” – Councilmember Carol Suter, Councilman Mark Revenaugh, Councilman Carol Rudi, Mayor Pro Tem Barry McCullough and Mayor Les Smith. (5-0)

Item 15. on the Agenda. Other Business.

There was no other business to come before the City Council.

Item 16. on the Agenda. Questions from the News Media.

There were no News Media present.

Item 17. on the Agenda. Adjournment.

There being no further business to come before the August 9, 2010, Gladstone Regular City Council Meeting, Mayor Les Smith adjourned the regular meeting, to reconvene to a Closed Executive Session.

Respectfully submitted:


Cathy Swenson, City Clerk

Approved as submitted: ___

Approved as corrected/amended: ___


Mayor Les Smith