June 6, 2005

6:15 pm




Present:                                                          Council & Staff Present:

                        Ms. Newsom                            Scott Wingerson, Assist. City Manager

                        Ms. Alexander                          David Ramsay, City Counselor

                        Chairman Hill                            Melinda Mehaffy, Econ. Dev. Admin.

                        Mr. Boor                                  Councilman Wayne Beer          

                        Mr. Stanley                                          

                        Mr. Shevling                            

                        Mr. Revenaugh                        

Ms. Abbott

Mr. Reynolds

Ms. Lowe


Absent:           Mr. Whitton

                        Mr. Steffens



Chairman Hill opened the work session and thanked everyone for attending.  He asked Mr. Wingerson to begin.


Mr. Wingerson explained that the reason for this work session is to discussion the process for adopting a current Zoning and Platting Ordinance (ZAPO).  The Commission had been given a copy of ZAPO prior to the meeting to begin reviewing.  ZAPO is basically an updated version of what the City is currently using which updates the language and terminology.  The most significant change is the zoning matrix which is located in the back of ZAPO.  This is a chart that shows where a certain use is permitted.  Mr. Wingerson suggested that this would be an area that the Commission would want to spend the majority of the time reviewing.  ZAPO is an International Zoning Code that several metropolitan cities use.  The City of Gladstone already uses the International Property Maintenance Code and the Building and Construction Ordinance, which are both a part of this group.


The Commission was agreeable to the idea of reviewing a few sections at a time at upcoming Planning Commission meetings in order to forward a completed document to the City Council.  The group also felt that keeping in mind the purposes listed on page nine would help keep them focused on the reason for ZAPO. 


Mr. Wingerson said that he would present ZAPO to the Commission each section at a time and compare the differences to the current Zoning Ordinance the City is using. 


Respectfully submitted:



Becky Jarrett, Recording Secretary                                Brian Hill, Planning Commission Chairman