May 18, 2009

7:30 pm

Present: Council & Staff Present:

Ms. Newsom Mayor Pro-Tem Carol Rudi

Ms. Alexander Councilman Barry McCullough

Mr. Garnos David Ramsay, City Counselor

Ms. Smith Chris Helmer, Planning Specialist

Mr. Velasquez Becky Jarrett, Admin. Assist.

Ms. Abbott

Mr. Steffens

Mr. West

Absent: Ms. Babich

Mr. Whitton

Chairman Hill

Item 2 on the Agenda: Pledge of Allegiance.

Vice Chairman Garnos led the group in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item 3 on the Agenda: Approval of the April 6, 2009 minutes.

MOTION: By Ms. Newsom, second by Ms. Smith to approve the April 6, 2009, minutes as submitted. The minutes were approved as submitted.

Item 4 on the Agenda: Communications from the Audience.


Item 5 on the Agenda: PUBLIC HEARING : On a Special Use Permit at 7628 N. Wabash Avenue. Owner: Jay B. and Tana S. Davis. Applicant: Tamara K. Hamill. File #1336

Planning Specialist Helmer reported that the application tonight is for a Special Use Permit renewal at 7628 N. Wabash. Approximately a year ago the applicant, Ms. Hamill, was before the Commission for a request for a child care facility at this location. As typical with many special use permit requests for this type of operation City staff, at that time, had recommended to the Commission and Council for a one-year duration for Ms. Hamill to adhere to the recommended conditions mentioned in the staff report. Ms. Hamill has adhered to all the recommended conditions over the course of the last year and City staff has not received any complaints from the neighborhood or area residents. At this time staff is recommending Ms. Hamill be given a five-year duration for this Special Use Permit request. Upon expiration of the permit she would be back before this Commission and City Council for a permit renewal. Mr. Helmer offered to answer any questions.

Ms. Smith said that she had a couple of questions for the applicant.

Tamara Hamill, 7628 N. Wabash, approached the podium.

Ms. Smith asked if the fenced area in her yard was locked and how old the children in her care were.

Ms. Hamill answered that the fence is locked and that the children are between the ages of 1 ½ and 5 years old. She is currently licensed for ten children, but only has six at this time.

Vice Chairman Garnos said that he noticed from the staff report that she had made a number of improvements to the property. He asked if these were improvements the City requested or if she made them on her own.

Ms. Hamill answered that the City had requested the fence be added.

Vice Chairman Garnos called for those in favor of the application to come forward.

Mr. Velasquez commented that he was impressed that there were no complaints by the neighbors.

Jay Davis, 7911 N. Woodland, addressed the Commission. Mr. Davis stated that his daughter runs a very good daycare. All her parents love her. She has been inspected by the State. Her parents have stated that this is how every daycare center should be run. She does have a security system and only the parents know the code to get in and all the gates are locked.

Ms. Newsom clarified that Mr. Davis is the owner and that Ms. Hamill is the primary resident.

Mr. Davis answered yes.

There was no one to speak in opposition of the application. The public hearing was closed.

MOTION: By Ms. Alexander, second by Mr. West to approve the Special Use Permit at 7628 N. Wabash for a five year time period.

VOTE: Ms. Newsom Yes

Ms. Alexander Yes

Ms. Smith Yes

Mr. Velasquez Yes

Ms. Abbott Yes

Mr. Steffens Yes

Mr. West Yes

Mr. Garnos Yes

The motion carried. (8-Yes, 0-No)

Item 6 on the Agenda: Communications from the City Council and the City Staff.

Mayor Rudi reminded the Commission that June 5 & 6th is the Citywide Garage Sale as well as Bluesfest weekend. Please call the Chamber to sign up for volunteer opportunities. She also said that the Council is in the process of looking for Mr. McCullough’s replacement on the Commission.

Councilman McCullough added that on June 6th the household hazardous waste drop-off will be open from 8:00 am to noon. He also reminded the Commission to vote tomorrow.

Planning Specialist Helmer made several announcements. The Atkins-Johnson Farm event last week was highly successful; over two hundred people participated. The sign ordinance was passed at the City Council at their public hearing on May 11th. The Community Development department is already seeing some applications come through which will use the new ordinance.

To follow up on the alternative energy systems discussion at the last Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Helmer said that he took that discussion to the City Council in more detail and it now includes some solar energy information.

This summer Community Development will have a couple of interns. One will be working on the planning side and one will be working on historic preservation. Mr. Helmer said that the Commission may have a chance to meet them at a future meeting.

Mr. Helmer said that the Community Development Department is selling Gladstone All American City T-Shirts for $5.00. All proceeds go to benefit the Atkins-Johnson Farm.

Item 7 on the Agenda: Communications from the Planning Commission Members.

Vice Chairman Garnos said he noticed in the newspaper that Scott Wingerson had won Outstanding Assistant City Manager Award for the Missouri City County Management Association. He was very impressed to see that. We have many blessings living here in Gladstone and he has always felt that our City staff and City Council was one of them and that Mr. Wingerson was the best Assistant City Manager or County Administrator that he has ever worked with. He’s worked with a lot of them around the country and he’s hands down the best he’s ever worked with. Mr. Garnos said that they are lucky to have him.

Ms. Alexander said she repeatedly thinks of how blessed they are, not only with Scott, but the entire staff and what good information they are given to make decisions.

Ms. Abbott congratulated Mr. McCullough on his recent elected position.

Ms. Newsom congratulated Mr. McCullough and encouraged her fellow Commissioners to get involved with Bluesfest.

Item 8 on the Agenda: Adjournment.

Vice Chairman Garnos adjourned the meeting at 7:44 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

______________________________________ Approved as submitted _____

Becky Jarrett, Recording Secretary

______________________________________ Approved as corrected _____

Bill Garnos, Vice Chairman