
4000 NE 76th Street
(816) 436-5442
Brush drop-off hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Mission Statement:
The Department of Public Works provides essential services to the citizens of Gladstone in a prompt, courteous, safe, efficient, and cost-effective manner. Public Works, through its dedicated employees, strives to plan, design, build, maintain, and operate public infrastructure in a manner that respects the environment and the ability of government to adequately preserve these assets for future generations.
The Department of Public Works is comprised of seven divisions: Administration, Engineering, Street/Storm, and the Central Garage, which are funded by the General Fund. Water Production, Water Operations, and Sewer Collections are funded by the Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System (CWSS) Fund. Both the General Fund and the CWSS Fund provide the funding for Central Garage and Administration. The divisions associated with the CWSS fund will be discussed in the Enterprise Fund section of the budget document.
Administration Division
Provides support, coordination, and direction for the activities of the other Public Works divisions. Personnel from Administration interact with other departments on Capital Improvement projects and CWSS projects. The Staff communicates with the citizens of Gladstone to furnish quality service in routine situations as well as supplying information and assistance in times of crisis.
Engineering Division
The primary focus is to oversee the Capital Improvements Program and the Street Rehabilitation Program, each funded by a one-half cent sales tax. The Street Rehabilitation Program is designed to rehabilitate and reconstruct streets within Gladstone to achieve a reasonable maintenance schedule. They also oversee upgrading of streetlights and coordination with Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L). This Division also provides in-house surveying and engineering design for the Capital Improvement Program and assists other departments with their projects as well as providing necessary inspections to ensure construction complies with the plans.
Streets/Storm Division
This Division provides maintenance of City streets, storm drains, creeks, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. The street crews also repair and maintain city-owned streetlights, traffic signals, street signage, and right-of-way. During seasonal storms, this Division assists the community with the clean-up of limbs, branches, and debris. In the winter months, crews treat streets and plow snow to provide the citizens of Gladstone safety in their daily travels.
Central Garage Division
This Division is funded through the General Fund and the Combined Water and Sewerage Fund. It is responsible for the maintenance of all city-owned vehicles and equipment. In addition to the mechanical aspect of this Division, assistance is provided and recommendations are made to other divisions in preparing specifications for the purchase of new vehicles and equipment. The Central Garage also oversees the annual vehicle changeover for the Department of Public Safety.
Water Department Activities
The Director of Public Works supervises the Water Production Division, Water Operations Division, and the Sewer Collection Division.
Water Production Division
This Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s water treatment plant which has a capacity of eight (8) million gallons per day, two elevated water towers with a total capacity of 1.3 million gallons, and a five (5) million gallon reservoir and pump station. The raw water source is six (6) wells located near the Missouri River.
Water Operations Division
This Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the distribution system that includes over 100-miles of water mains, fire hydrants, water valves, water meters, and associated facilities. The Division is also responsible for utility locates, water meter reading, and water main break repairs and associated restoration.
Sewer Collection Division
This Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewer collection system. The Division works jointly with outside contractors to clean and flush approximately 150,000-linear feet of sanitary sewer annually. The Division also repairs and/or replaces collapsed pipes as they are discovered and assists with water main break repairs when needed.