Storm Water ManagementIn the past, storm water management focused primarily on flood control and the water quality of our nation’s lakes and streams was greatly ignored. In 1972, however, the United States Congress enacted the Clean Water Act to protect surface waters of the United States from pollution. As a result of the Clean Water Act, the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, or NPDES, was implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency.The NPDES program, as it relates to storm water management, was implemented in two phases. In 1990, Phase I of the program was initiated and covers communities with populations in excess of 100,000, constructions sites over five acres, and eleven industrial categories. In 1999, Phase II of the program was enacted and includes communities located in urbanized areas as defined by the United States Bureau of the Census, construction sites that disturb between one and five acres, and eleven industrial categories. The City of Gladstone is a regulated Phase II community. On April 11, 2003, the City of Gladstone received an NPDES Phase II permit as a regulated Phase II community. The permit required the City to develop a Storm Water Management Program to address the following six minimum control measures: City of Gladstone Storm Water Managment Plan Elimination Management Outreach Participation Prevention Run Off Help Links |