New Structure:
1. Footing | Piers
2. Foundation
3. Piers
4. Temporary Utility Service (electrical)
5. Rebar grounding (UFER)
6. Ground Rough
7. Utility Service (electrical)
8. Utility Service (gas)
9. Roofing In-Process (prior to being 1/4 completed)
10. Rough-ins
11. Firewall
12. Fire suppression system
13. Fire alarm system
12. Driveway approach
13. City Sidewalk
14. Water service line
15. Sanitary sewer service line
15. Final
Tenant Finish | Remodel:
1. Ground Rough
2. Rough-ins (all-trades conducted at the same time)
3. Firewall
4. Fire suppression system
5. Fire alarm system
6. Final
1. Footing | Piers
2. Foundation
3. Roofing In-Process
4. Rough-in (all-trades conducted at the same time)
5. Final
Driveway Approach:
1. Final (
NOTE: This inspection is done once the approach is formed and prior to pouring.)
Swimming Pools:
1. Bonding (rebar and all metal associated with the pool)
2. Electrical Trench (after conduit has been placed and before backfilling)
3. Final
1. In-process (prior to being 1/4 completed)
2. Final
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Replacement:
1. Final
Electrical Service Upgrade | Replacement:
1. Final
Water Service Line Replacement:
1. Final (
NOTE: This inspection is done once the water service line has been placed and before backfilling.)
Sanitary Sewer Service Line Replacement:
1. Final (
NOTE: This inspection is done once the sanitary sewer service line has been placed and before backfilling.)
Gas Line Replacement | Repairs:
1. Pressure Test
Hot Water Heater Replacement:
1. Final
If you have further questions feel free to call our office at (816) 423-4111 or click