Gladstone Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts
Banquet Rental Policies
USE RESTRICTIONS: Rental groups may use only those rooms and/or equipment specifically designated on the rental agreement. Agreements are non-transferable. Any individual or group wanting to charge admission for attendance to an event or sell an item or product must receive written consent from the Community Center Administrator. The City of Gladstone and the Gladstone Parks and Recreation Department reserve the right to refuse rental activities that are not of good character, illegal, or may be detrimental to the group or the facility. Any group or person violating the established Gladstone Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations, or constituting a nuisance, may be requested to leave the facility. The misuse of the facility will be sufficient reason for terminating the agreement with no refund. Renter and patrons shall not have the use of, or permit others the use of, any City facilities or equipment not specifically covered in this agreement. Normal use of public areas such as foyers, halls and restrooms is permitted. Animals (except service animals) are not permitted in the facility unless part of an authorized program. Gambling is prohibited except as permitted by Missouri State Law and/or City of Gladstone Ordinance. Food and beverages are limited to banquet/party rooms and courtyard.
RENTAL RATES: Rental of the facility shall be charged in accordance with the schedule of "rental fees" attached. Standard rates apply to use during regular business hours. All after-hours rentals are subject to additional rates of $40/hour. After-hour rates begin at 9:00 pm Monday-Thursday, 7:00 pm Friday, 6:00 pm Saturday, and 5:00 pm Sunday. Banquet rental on New Year's Eve and July 4th will be calculated at 2 times the rental rate, as the facility has limited hours. No rental is available on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, or New Year's Day. Saturday banquet room rental is limited to a minimum of 6+ hours of reserved time (unless event is scheduled within less than 60 days). Maximum time allowed is until 12:00 am on Friday and Saturday. Maximum time Sunday through Thursday is 10:00 pm. Rental groups will be charged for all hours the room is being used including decorating and clean-up time. Failure to vacate the facility at the conclusion of the event, including all vendors and contractors, will result in additional rental fees plus $25.00 for every 15 minutes before or after your contract time. Caterers/D.J.'s/Bands are also required to sign the outside vendor form and abide by all policies.
CODE OF CONDUCT: All facility users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to a positive, family-based environment. Destruction of property, and abusive language and behavior will not be tolerated. Facility renter will be held responsible for the actions of their guests. NO SMOKING is allowed in any portion of the facility and must occur a minimum of 25 feet from all entryways to the facility. Groups composed of youth ages eighteen (18) and younger must be supervised by an adult at all times at a ratio of 1 adult to every 10 youth. At the discretion of the Gladstone Community Center, security may be required for teen parties at the cost of the renter.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS: Renter shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations adopted or established by federal, state or local government agencies or bodies and the rules and regulations of the Parks and Recreation department. Renter shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits and licenses.
CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL: The serving or consumption of beer, wine, or liquor on the premises will be allowed only under the following conditions: (City sponsored events excluded) Alcohol will be served and consumed by service of city-approved caterer holding appropriate state and city liquor license only. Those using the facility must comply with City, County and State laws and ordinances. The City reserves the right to refuse permission to serve alcohol to any individual or group. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed outside the Banquet Rooms, Kitchen and/or Banquet Room Courtyard. Any function where alcohol service is permitted may require additional security at the cost of the renter. Additional security may also be required due to the nature of the event or the size of the group. On behalf of the client, the City will make arrangements to supply on-duty Gladstone police officer(s) for the event. A fee of $50.00 per hour per officer will be charged for this service. The nature of the event will determine the number of police officers required for event.
DECORATIONS: Decorations provided by the group are allowed on dining tables and buffet tables only. No decorations may be attached to the walls, ceilings, windows, trim, or doors of the facility. Archways or other backdrops must be free standing and may not be attached to the walls. Facility management must approve large banners or posters. Please ask the Rental Coordinator if you have a specific request. No tape, nails, staples, screws, etc. are allowed for use on tables or other equipment/facilities. Use of candles (except drip-less, contained or battery operated), fog machines, and confetti in any form (paper, bird seed, rice, metallic cut-outs, etc.) is not allowed. Any decorating, covering, or changes to the facilities should be discussed at the time of the rental application and put in writing as part of the permit. Placement, relocation, or rearrangement of equipment other than tables and chairs is not permitted. Any violation of the decoration policy will result in the forfeiture of the security deposit and may result in additional charges.
CLEANING: The renter must clear all tables of debris, pick up all trash, remove decorations, and dispose of all food and trash. Also, trash receptacles must be emptied in the trash dumpsters outside the kitchen. Kitchen must be left in the order in which it was found which includes sweeping and mopping prior to departure. Kitchen rules are posted in the kitchen and must be followed. Renter shall not use any city or personal janitorial supplies except on authority of the rental coordinator or as posted on the kitchen rules (mop/broom and cleaner). Renter shall pay any janitorial charges incurred by the City to return rented space to normal state of cleanliness.
DAMAGE DEPOSIT: A $200.00 refundable damage deposit is required for all room reservations except for pool party rooms ($50 deposit). An additional $200 deposit is assessed if alcohol service is to be provided. Renters are required to pay the damage deposit with a credit card when the reservation is made. Credit cards will be charged at the time the rental agreement is signed. Upon conclusion of the rental event, the credit card charges will be refunded unless there are damages, policy violations, or misconduct. Refunds will be made within 2-weeks after the date of the event. In the event that damage to the facility or its equipment should exceed the deposit, the deposit will be retained and additional charges for the repair of damages that exceed damage deposit amount will be assessed. Any additional charges will not exceed the cost of the repair or the replacement of the damaged items. The renter will be notified of any violations or damages by telephone or mail.
USE OF LICENSED SPACE: Event preparation by licensee in the facilities and delivery of licensee's freight or other property shall take place only upon dates and at the times specified in this agreement. Renter will be permitted to store items only in the rented space and on the days and times covered by this agreement. Renter shall vacate rented space no later than the end of the term of this agreement. Food and drinks are limited to the banquet/meeting rooms, kitchen and courtyard. No drinks are permitted in the lobby. The City of Gladstone shall furnish light, heat, air-conditioning, general room set-up and janitorial services incidental to ordinary building usage. Room temperature is kept at 68 degrees. The renter shall be responsible for all decorating and other special preparations necessary for the event (as approved). It is the responsibility of the renter to inform the City of all equipment, caterers, or other special needs or uses prior to the event (i.e. deliveries, room set-up, etc.). Requests for special arrangements or services must be made twenty-one (21) days prior to the event in order to allow time for consideration and approval. A $50 labor charge will be applied if set-up changes are made with less than 48 hours notice. Storage facilities are not available for renter's use.
INDEMNITY: The City of Gladstone is not responsible for accidents, injury or illness suffered by event participants, or loss of group or individual property. Renter agrees to indemnify the City, its officers, agents, volunteers and employees from all claims of every kind including all costs of defense arising out of, or which would not have occurred but for Renter's use of the facilities rented herein. Renter accepts the building and equipment in "as is" condition. Renter shall be responsible for the proper conduct of any and all persons attending the event. The City of Gladstone may require proof of insurance coverage, at a City approved amount, when the activity is deemed potentially hazardous to persons, property, or city facilities including outside contractors or vendors of services, food, equipment or other materials contracted for by the renter.
PAYMENT AND REFUNDS: All rentals must be requested 21 days in advance by completing a facility rental application and submitting a refundable damage deposit. Payment for meeting/banquet package fees is as follows: 50% of the fees plus the damage deposit is due at the time the event is scheduled with balance due 90 days in advance of the event. Events cancelled less than 15 days in advance will forfeit the rental fees. Reservations cancelled 15 days or more in advance will receive a percentage refund based on the total contracted rental fee (please see refund schedule below).
CANCELLATION REFUND SCHEDULE: Cancellation Time & Amount Refunded 113+ days from event,80%; 99-112 days from event, 70%; 85-98 days from event, 60%; 71-84 days from event, 50%; 57-70 days from event, 40%; 43-56 days from event, 30%; 29-42 days from event, 20%; 15-28 days from event, 10%; 0-14days from event, No Refund.
The City of Gladstone reserves the right to relocate activities to a comparable space in the event of unavoidable scheduling conflicts. During inclement weather, cancellations may be approved by the Rental Coordinator and Community Center Administrator. All scheduled rentals cancelled due to inclement weather may be rescheduled, space permitting. No refunds will be provided other than the damage deposit.
The Gladstone Community Center is designated as the Emergency Operation Center for the City of Gladstone. In case of emergency (flood, tornado, etc.) the Community Center's Emergency Operations Center will be activated. The client will be notified and a full refund will be granted if such event occurs.
Gladstone Community Center
Rules and Regulations for the Service and Consumption of Alcohol
The serving and consumption of beer, wine, or liquor on Gladstone Community Center premises will be allowed only under the following conditions:Only an approved caterer may serve alcohol. A caterer my be approved by completing a caterer information sheet, by signing and purchasing the vendor approval contract, by providing a copy of their state liquor license, by purchasing a State of Missouri temporary caterers permit, a City of Gladstone occupational business license and catering license, by purchasing City of Gladstone server permits and providing a copy to community center staff at least five (5) days prior to each event. Once a caterer is approved, community center staff will maintain a file for approved caterers. Each event will require that a State of Missouri temporary caterers permit and a City of Gladstone catering license be purchased. City of Gladstone server permits will be reviewed prior to each event. Alcohol will be served and consumed by special authorization of the Gladstone Parks and Recreation Director or his/her designee only. A one-time event permit will be issued to the selected caterer. Those using the facility must comply with the City, County, and State laws and ordinances. The caterer shall ensure that no alcoholic beverages will be served to or consumed by any person in attendance that is under the age of twenty-one (21). The City of Gladstone reserves the right to refuse authorization to serve alcoholic beverages to any individual or group. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed outside the designated event area. Rental policy requires that alcoholic beverages be served and consumed only in the space specified for the occasion. No kegs allowed. Any function where alcohol will be available may require that a minimum of one (1) uniformed Gladstone Police Officer be present at a cost to the renter for the duration of the event. Extra security may also be required at a cost to the renter based on the nature of the event or the size of the group. On behalf of the renter, the City of Gladstone will make all of the arrangements to supply police officer(s) for the event. A fee of $50 per officer, per hour will be charged for this service. Neither guests nor the renter are allowed to bring in their own alcohol. Violation of this provision shall result in a forfeited deposit, revoked membership, and the inability to rent any Gladstone Parks and Recreation operated facility in the future. . The City of Gladstone Parks and Recreation Staff or the Gladstone Police shall have the authority to suspend the serving of alcoholic beverages or terminate the rental functions due to the abuse of the facility, staff, or failure of rental guests to follow City and Community Center polices. City ordinance 5.110.100 states: No person under the age of 21 years shall...have in such person"s possession, any of the following: intoxicating liquor, malt liquor, non-intoxicating beer, or beer of any alcoholic content whatsoever.
Event Links
Banquet Facility
Birthday Party Club
Birthday / Pool Parties
Banquet Policy
Pool Party Policy
For more information about the Gladstone Community Center call (816) 423-4200 or click here to contact us.